Monday, June 6, 2011


So my dear friend and roommate, whose name also happens to be Jess (her parents named her well, I must say), recently ran a 5K and was the first girl to cross the finish line (I am so proud of my roomie!).  Annnd because of this... I made her a monster :)

Set Designs!

So I was recently asked to help design the set for an upcoming performance at our local theatre (I like spelling it "theatre" as opposed to "theater" so much better because it makes more sense in my head... also, it just feels so much more proper). The set is a Greek hotel and the show will showcase all the local dance classes/groups with a storyline to thread all the dance performances together.  Here are my sketches!

The last sketch (the one on the bottom) is the design that was chosen.  It's certainly going to take some work but I'm excited to see how this whole things turns out.  I've never taken on a project of this sort which means that I'm excited to be working on it.  The show opens up in two-ish weeks, so it's going to be go-go-go...  Anyway!  The stage so far:

As you can see, it still has quite a ways to go :)  (The photo was taken with my phone, so its not the best...).